
GridGeo Instructors are industry recognized professionals who have been delivering training for over a decade. Our instructors are also consultants - working hand-in-hand with customers to design and implement solutions using a wide range of technologies. Rest assured that our instructors have significant depth of knowledge - since they live and breathe the subjects that they teach

Linux Courses



The Grid Geo Linux instructors hold numerous Linux certifications, such as LPI's Level I and II, Novell's CLP, and CompTIA's Linux+ certification. In fact, our instructors routinely write Linux related articles for publications such as Novell Connections magazine!With over 11 years of Linux training experience (starting with pre-1.0 versions of the Linux kernel, all they way up to the latest versions) our instructors bring over a decade of experience to the classroom...not to mention our acclaimed Linux training course guides.


Graduation/Post Graduation


1 year


  • Linux Utilities
  • Process Utilities
  • Fields and Records
  • Networking Commands
  • Pipes and Input Redirection
  • File Name Substitution
  • Debugging Shell Scripts
  • The Shell as a Programming Language
  • Course Fee

    USD 500

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